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Our commitment
Tundra recognizes that operating in the communities and provinces where we work is an opportunity as well as a responsibility. We are committed to achieving a balance of economic, social, and environmental sustainability. This commitment underlies the way we conduct our business across our operations.
At Tundra, we take our responsibility to minimize impacts to our air, land and water resources seriously. We are committed to finding innovative and integrated solutions to produce energy that fuels the lives of Canadians.
Tundra continuously assesses new technologies and processes to reduce our environmental footprint and increase our energy-efficiency.
Emissions management is a key focus for Tundra and it shows in our track record. We have worked with federal and provincial governments to accelerate gas conservation and electrification across our operations.
Active methane monitoring is in place for Tundra oil and gas sites, which includes regular scanning and operational adjustments.
Acres of land returned to it's original use since 2015.Tundra is committed to the sustainable development of our assets. Land conservation efforts include:
- Pre-construction site assessments to support development of baseline environmental information
- Site preparation practices that minimize the movement and disturbance of soil
- Utilization of multi-well pads and horizontal well technology to reduce surface impacts
Once a well or facility has reached the end of its life cycle, restoration and rehabilitation programs return the land to its former use with active landowner participation.
Tundra's limited use and protection of fresh water ensures the resource remains available for other uses such as drinking, hygiene, recreation and agriculture. Tundra reduces fresh water use by utilizing non-potable saline water for completion and enhanced oil recovery operations. Saline water is obtained from dedicated, provincially licensed saline water source wells near Tundra’s operations.